Executive Stainless Steel products consist of high quality solid wires, flux cored wires and coated electrodes, all with excellent operator appeal.
Executive 16-8-2P
EGT-1/4 Executive 16-8-2P is a gas -shielded, flux cored wire designed to weld in all positions. It has a nominal composition of 15.5% Cr, 8.5% Ni and 1.5% Mo. This wire is designed to run on 100% CO2 or M21 Ar / CO2 mixture. Shielding gas mixtures with more than 75-80% argon are not recommended Learn MoreExecutive 16-8-2
ER16-8-2 Executive 16-8-2 provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag. Primarily utilized for welding stainless steel types 16-8-2, 316 and 347 for high pressure, high temperature piping systems. Learn MoreExecutive 2209 (Duplex)
ER2209 Filler metal of this classification is used primarily to weld duplex stainless steels which contain approximately 22% chromium such as UNS S31803 and S32205. Deposits of this alloy have "duplex" microstructures consisting of an austenite-ferrite matrix. These stainless steels are characterized by high tensile strength, resistance to stress corrosion cracking, and improved resistance to pitting. Learn MoreExecutive 2594 (Super Duplex)
ER2594 Executive 2594 provides matching chemistry and mechanical property characteristics to wrought super-duplex alloys such as 2507 and Zeron 100 as well as super-duplex casting alloys. Learn MoreExecutive 307Si
Similar to ER307 Executive 307Si is an austenitic stainless steel wire with very low ferrite. This alloy is basically a modified 307 with higher manganese to improve hot cracking resistance. There is currently no AWS/SFA Classification for this material, but it is similar to A5.9/SFA-5.9, Class ER307 Learn MoreExecutive 308H
ER308H Carbon content in the range of 0.04-0.08% provides higher strength at elevated temperatures. This filler metal is used for welding 304H base metal. Learn MoreExecutive 308/308L
ER308/308L Low carbon in this filler metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. This increases the resistance to intergranular corrosion without the use of stabilizers such as niobium or titanium. Strength of this low-carbon alloy, however, is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 308H at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreExecutive 308Si/LSi
ER308LSi This classification is the same as ER308L, except for the higher silicon content. This improves the usability of the filler metal in the gas metal arc welding process. If the dilution by the base metal produces a low ferrite or fully austenitic weld, the crack sensitivity of the weld is somewhat higher than that of a lower silicon content weld metal. Learn MoreExecutive 309/309L
ER309/309L Low carbon in this filler metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. This increases the resistance to intergranular corrosion without the use of stabilizers such as niobium or titanium. Strength of this low-carbon alloy, however, is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 309 at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreExecutive 309Si/LSi
ER309LSi This classification is the same as ER309L, except for the higher silicon content. This improves the usability of the filler metal in the gas metal arc welding process. If the dilution by the base metal produces a low ferrite or fully austenitic weld, the crack sensitivity of the weld is somewhat higher than that of a lower silicon content weld metal. Learn MoreExecutive 309LMo
Similar to ~ER309LMo Executive 309LMo wire is designed to provide clean and consistent welds with excellent feedability and minimal clean-up. By maintaining tight control from the country of melt to the design of the spool, Executive wire provides welders with the highest quality stainless bare wire. Learn MoreExecutive 316/316L
ER316/316L Low carbon in this filler metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. This increases the resistance to intergranular corrosion without the use of stabilizers such as niobium or titanium. Strength of this low-carbon alloy, however, is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 316H at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreExecutive 316Si/LSi
ER316LSi This classification is the same as ER316L, except for the higher silicon content. This improves the usability of the filler metal in the gas metal arc welding process. If the dilution by the base metal produces a low ferrite or fully austenitic weld, the crack sensitivity of the weld is somewhat higher than that of a lower silicon content weld metal. Learn MoreExecutive 310
ER310 Executive 310 provides a fully austenitic weld. In fully austenitic welds maintaining a low heat input is critical to avoid hot cracking. Learn MoreExecutive 312
ER312 Executive 312 work hardens to provide great wear resistance with high tensile strength and offers incredible versatility making it the filler of choice for hard to weld alloys. Learn MoreExecutive 317/317L
ER317/317L Executive 317/317L has an increased molybdenum content which gives it a superior resistance to highly corrosive environments. Learn MoreExecutive 320LR
ER320LR Executive 320LR narrow chemistry range reduces the likelihood of weld metal hot cracking and fissuring frequently encountered in fully austenitic stainless-steel weld metals. Learn MoreExecutive 330
ER330 Executive 330 has an austenite structure with 15% Cr-35% Ni. It is widely used for heat resistant and oxidation resistant applications above 1796°F (980°C). Learn MoreExecutive 347
ER347 Executive 347 wire is designed to provide clean and consistent welds with excellent feedability and minimal clean-up. By maintaining tight control from the country of melt to the design of the spool Executive wire provides welders with the highest quality stainless bare wire. Learn MoreExecutive 385 (904L)
ER385 Executive 385 (904L) weld metal has an austenite structure with 20% Cr, 25% N, 4.7% Mo, 1.5% Cu. Learn MoreExecutive 409Nb (409Cb)
ER409Nb The addition of Niobium in 409Cb forms carbides to improve corrosion resistance, increase strength at high temperature, and promote the ferritic microstructure. Learn MoreExecutive 410
ER410 Executive 410 is an air-hardening steel of 12% Cr (nominal composition). Preheat and post weld heat treatments are required to achieve welds of adequate ductility for many engineering purposes. Learn MoreExecutive 410NiMo
ER410NiMo Executive 410NiMo is modified to contain less chromium and more nickel to eliminate ferrite in the microstructure as it has a deleterious effect on mechanical properties. Learn MoreExecutive 420
ER420 Executive 420 is a high-carbon stainless steel with 13% Cr and is designed to have high hardness (~50 HRC), great ductility after annealing, and excellent corrosion resistance after the surface has been prepared (hardened, ground, or polished). Learn MoreExecutive 430
ER430 Executive 430 is a 16% Cr alloy. The composition is balanced by providing sufficient chromium to give adequate corrosion resistance while retaining ductility in the heat-treated condition. Learn MoreExecutive 439TiCu
ER439 Executive 439Ti is a copper coated wire primarily used for the welding of automotive stainless-steel exhaust systems and components. Learn MoreExecutive 630 (17/4PH)
ER630 Executive 630 has a composition designed primarily for welding precipitation-hardening stainless steels. The composition is modified to prevent the formation of ferrite networks in the martensitic microstructure which have a deleterious effect on mechanical properties. Learn MoreExecutive 310-16
E310-16 Executive 310 provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. This electrode is most often used to weld base metals of similar composition. Learn MoreSoudokay Record IN
Agglomerated flux designed for sub-arc joining and cladding of non-stabilized stainless steel grades. Learn MoreSoudokay Record IND 24
Highly basic agglomerated flux designed for the welding of stabilised and unstabilised austenitic stainless steel as well as “duplex” and “super-duplex” alloys. Learn MoreExecutive 2209P (Duplex)
E2209T1-1/4 Executive 2209P is an all position flux cored wire developed for welding 2205 duplex stainless steels as well as leaner grades of duplex stainless steel. Learn MoreExecutive 308/308L
E308/308LT0-1/4 Executive 308/308L provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Austenitic stainless steel flux cored wire. Learn MoreExecutive 308/308LP
E308/308LT1-1/4 Executive 308/308LP is an all-position stainless steel flux cored wire that provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Learn MoreExecutive 309/309L
E309/309LT0-1/4 Executive 309/309L provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Used to join similar 309L alloy or join 300 series stainless steel to carbon or low alloy steels. Learn MoreExecutive 309/309LP
E309/309LT1-1/4 Executive 309/309LP provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Used to join similar 309L alloy or join 300 series stainless steel to carbon or low alloy steels. Learn MoreExecutive 309LMo
E309LMoT0-1/4 Executive 309LMo provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Designed for welding of low carbon 22% Cr-12% NiMo or for welding dissimilar metals such as molybdenum-containing austenitic stainless steels to carbon steels. Learn MoreExecutive 316/316L
E316/316LT0-1/4 Executive 316/316L provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. The typical molybdenum gives improved resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion over grades 308L and 309L, particularly in the presence of chlorides. Learn MoreExecutive 316/316LP
E316/316LT1-1/4 Executive 316/316LP provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. The typical molybdenum gives improved resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion over grades 308L and 309L, particularly in the presence of chlorides. Learn MoreExecutive 330
EC330 Executive 330 provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Learn MoreExecutive 347
E347T0-1/4 Executive 347 provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Addition of columbium as carbon stabilizer. Learn MoreExecutive 410NiMoP
E410TNiMoT1-1/4 Executive 410NiMoP is an all-position gas shielded flux cored wire that provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Learn MoreKobelco DW-2209
E2209T1-1/4 Kobelco 2209 has excellent toughness down to -40 deg F. Filler metal of this classification is used primarily to weld duplex stainless steels which contain approximately 22% chromium such as UNS S31803 and S32205. Deposits of this alloy have "duplex" microstructures consisting of an austenite-ferrite matrix. These stainless steels are characterized by high tensile strength, resistance to stress corrosion cracking, and improved resistance to pitting. If post weld annealing is required, this weld metal will require a higher annealing temperature than that required by the duplex base metal. Learn MoreKobelco DW-2594
E2594T1-1/4 This wire is designed for welding 25Cr type duplex stainless steels especially for Super Duplex grade, PRE (Pitting Resistance Equivalent) is over 40. Learn MoreKobelco DW-308H
E308HT1-1/4 This wire contains no bismuth in the weld metal and is designed for use at service temperature above 1200°F. Consequently, the elongation of the weld metal at higher temperatures is higher than that of conventional flux cored wires. Learn MoreKobelco DW-308L
E308LT0-1/4 This wire is designed to be used in the flat/horizontal position. Low carbon in this filler metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. This increases the resistance to intergranular corrosion without the use of stabilizers such as niobium or titanium. Strength of this low-carbon alloy, however, is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 308H at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreKobelco DWG-308L
E308LT0-1/4 DWG is an ultra-thin sheathed stainless steel flux-cored wire designed to operate at very low amperage. DWG replaces expensive .035 wire in many applications and saves you money in filler metal costs. Learn MoreKobelco DW-308LP
E308LT1-1/4 This is an all position wire. Low carbon in this filler metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. This increases the resistance to intergranular corrosion without the use of stabilizers such as niobium or titanium. Strength of this low-carbon alloy, however, is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 308H at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreKobelco DW-309L
E309LT0-1/4 This wire is designed to be used in the flat/horizontal position. Low carbon in this filler metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. This increases the resistance to intergranular corrosion without the use of stabilizers such as niobium or titanium. Strength of this low-carbon alloy, however, is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 309 at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreKobelco DWG-309L
E309LT0-1/4 DWG is an ultra-thin sheathed stainless steel flux-cored wire designed to operate at very low amperage. DWG replaces expensive .035 wire in many applications and saves you money in filler metal costs. Learn MoreKobelco DW-309LP
E309LT1-1/4 This is an all position wire. Low carbon in this filler metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. This increases the resistance to intergranular corrosion without the use of stabilizers such as niobium or titanium. Strength of this low-carbon alloy, however, is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 309 at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreKobelco DW-309MoL
E309LMoT0-1/4 For joining stainless steel to carbon and low-alloy steels for service below 600°F [316°C], and for overlaying of carbon and low-alloy steels. The presence of molybdenum provides pitting resistance in a halide environment and helps provide high temperature ductility in dissimilar joints. The ferrite level for this electrode deposit is approximately 20 FN. Learn MoreKobelco DW-310
E310T0-1/4 Filler metal of this classification is most often used to weld base metals of similar composition. Learn MoreKobelco DW-312
E312T0-1/4 Filler metal of this classification was originally designed to weld cast alloys of similar composition. It also has been found to be valuable in welding dissimilar metals such as carbon steel to stainless steel, particularly those grades high in nickel. This alloy gives a two-phase weld deposit with substantial percentages of ferrite in an austenite matrix. Even with considerable dilution by austenite-forming elements such as nickel, the microstructure remains two-phase and thus highly resistant to weld metal cracks and fissures. Learn MoreKobelco DW-316L
E316LT0-1/4 This wire is designed to be used in the flat/horizontal position. Low carbon in this filler metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. This increases the resistance to intergranular corrosion without the use of stabilizers such as niobium or titanium. Strength of this low-carbon alloy, however, is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 316H at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreKobelco DWG-316L
E316LT0-1/4 DWG is an ultra-thin sheathed stainless steel flux-cored wire designed to operate at very low amperage. DWG replaces expensive .035 wire in many applications and saves you money in filler metal costs. Learn MoreKobelco DW-316LP
E316LT1-1/4 This is an all position wire. Low carbon in this filler metal reduces the possibility of intergranular carbide precipitation. This increases the resistance to intergranular corrosion without the use of stabilizers such as niobium or titanium. Strength of this low-carbon alloy, however, is less than that of the niobium-stabilized alloys or Type 316H at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreKobelco DW-317L
E317LT0-1/4 Used for welding alloys of similar composition. Kobelco DW317 filler metal is utilized in severely corrosive environments where crevice and pitting corrosion are of concern. This low-carbon alloy, however, may not be so strong at elevated temperatures. Learn MoreKobelco DW-347
E347T0-1/4 Usually used for welding chromium-nickel stainless steel base metals of similar composition stabilized with either Nb or Ti. Although Nb is the stabilizing element usually specified in Type 347 alloys, it should be recognized that tantalum (Ta) is also present. Ta and Nb are almost equally effective in stabilizing carbon and in providing high-temperature strength. If dilution by the base metal produces a low ferrite or fully austenitic weld metal, the crack sensitivity of the weld may increase substantially Learn MoreExecutive 16-8-2-16
E16-8-2-16 Executive 16-8-2 provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Provides additional safety in welding highly restrained joints or crack sensitive alloys. Learn MoreExecutive 2209-16 (Duplex)
E2209-16 Executive 2209 provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. This is a deposited duplex weld metal that offers high strength and improved pitting and SSC resistance. Learn MoreExecutive 2594-16 (Super Duplex)
E2594-16 Executive 2594 matches wrought super-duplex alloys chemistry and mechanical properties. Learn MoreExecutive 308/308L-16
E308/308L-16 Executive 308/308L is a versatile electrode designed to weld several types of austenitic steels with low carbon levels to help eliminate carbide precipitation in high temperature service. Learn MoreExecutive PLUS 308/308L-17
E308L-17 Executive PLUS 308/308L are a superior operating SMAW filler metal that can be used in a variety of applications. They are dual certified for both low carbon and standard carbon grades reducing duplication of inventories. Learn MoreExecutive 309/309L-16
E309/309L-16 Executive 309/309L provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Learn MoreExecutive PLUS 309/309L-17
E309L-17 Executive PLUS 309/309L provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal and can be used in all positions when welding as root runs in butt welds and thin plates in general. Learn MoreExecutive 316/316L-16
E316/316L-16 Executive 316/316L-16 electrodes are used principally for welding low-carbon, molybdenum-bearing austenitic alloys. Learn MoreExecutive PLUS 316/316L-17
E316L-17 Executive PLUS 316/316L provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal and can be used in all positions when welding as root runs in butt welds and thin plates in general. Learn MoreExecutive 312-16
E312-16 Executive 312 provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Designed for welding high tensile alloys it has low crack susceptibility with weld deposits that work-harden to allow for good wear resistance. Learn MoreExecutive 317L-16
E317L-16 Executive 317/317L has good strength at high temperatures and post weld heat treatment is not required. Ideal for welding critical chemical vessels for sulfuric and sulphurous acid. Learn MoreExecutive 330-16
E330-16 Executive 330 provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Commonly used where heat-and scale-resisting properties above 1800°F (980°C) are required. Learn MoreExecutive 347H-16
E347-16 Executive 347/347H provides good corrosion resistance and high strength at high temperature due to its additional Nb content. Learn MoreExecutive 410-16
E410-16 Executive 410 provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Weld metal is suitable for welding AISI 410 and AISI 420 types of stainless steel. Learn MoreExecutive 410NiMo-16
E410NiMo-16 Executive 410 NiMo provides superior weldability, low spatter and smooth beads with easy slag removal. Weld metal is suitable for welding AISI 410 and AISI 420 types of stainless steel. Learn MoreKobelco DW-329
E2209T1-1/4 Kobelco 329-AP has excellent weldability in 3G. These stainless steels are characterized by high tensile strength, resistance to stress corrosion cracking, and improved resistance to pitting. If post weld annealing is required, this weld metal will require a higher annealing temperature than that required by the duplex base metal. Learn MoreCertifications
For over twenty-five years Exocor has been a respected name in the industry as a reliable source of filler metals.
Our corporate office is ISO 9001:2015 certified with memberships in AWS, CWA and GAWDA, and approvals on certain products such as CWB, LLOYDS, and EN.